

Click on the 'Give Online Now' button above to submit your contribution, Thank You!

We are grateful for your support! Our electronic giving program offers convenience for you in a safe and secure way. You’re invited to make automatic contributions for regular church offerings without the need to write checks, carry cash or prepare envelopes.
Online giving allows you to log-in at any time to set up an automatic contribution plan, change your contribution plan, make a one-time contribution or view your online contribution history.
Prayerfully consider if eGiving might be an option for you to participate in as part of your giving opportunities. 

Please remember that God’s Work at Trinity will continue to need your faithful support—especially in these challenging times.

 Many thanks for your time, talent and treasure! 
 If you have any questions please call Terri Schmitt at 573-880-1594

                                     Why offer eGiving at our church?

Please click on the link below to view a short video regarding eGiving.                                                                                                              


