Youth Group- 
Trinity Youth Group will plan to start meeting again in the fall. Updates will be posted.
“And He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent.” Colossians 1:17-18
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Posted January 27, 2023

Our Youth Group nights have been wonderful with good food at 5pm, followed by the study of God’s Word, followed by a service project, then ending with Pickleball for all!

Our Bible studies have focused on the following;

11/27/22- ‘Community’-Christian Community in God’s Image, Christian Community in Christian Families, Christian Community in our Congregation, Christian Community in the World-Wide Church

1/22/23-‘Humble Confidence’-What is Humble Confidence?, The Humble Confidence of Jesus, Jesus is our Humble Confidence, Humble Confidence for the World

Our Service Projects

Clean Sweep Ministries

The youth group put together hygiene kits that included white Cady (found at dollar tree) with personal hygiene items: Shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste. Only 5 were needed, but as ladies will be coming and going from the house this has the potential to be a consistent need. The youth group would like to continue to collect toiletries to put together these kits for the women to be delivered quarterly. For mor info, visit the website for this organization:

 4/1/2023-Great Work by all for our Rummage Sale resulted in making over $2,000 for the Youth Group fund!                      


Please SAVE YOUR STUFF to donate to this fundraiser for our youth! Please spread the word to your family, friends, co-workers, business owners, etc... that they can donate their STUFF to benefit our Youth Group Ministry! We hope to be able to collect most donations the week before the sale, due to limited storage space, but we will take donations starting now and find a place out of the way of our regular church activities.



Saturday-  November 18, 2022

Paint Party Fund-raiser:)

We had a great time! Thirty attendees & twenty-two painters, good food, good fellowship and good fun.....we raised $328, praise be to God!




Sunday-October 23, 2022

The year kicked off with a successful night for our youth.  We hade 10 Youth ranging in age from 8-18.  TJ was our oldest member and was a great leader and example for the group.  We also had 4 little brothers and sisters hanging around just waiting for the day they can join in with the big kids.  There were 6 parents who came to support, as well as 4 helpers/leaders.  Special thanks to the LWML ladies (Carol and Donna) who bought and served pizza to all!

 The night kicked off with the pizza and fellowship, we had a brief devotional, a meeting to share what was planned and see what people expected from the group, and then we played pickleball!

The kids had a great time and so did the adults (although the adults were more tired at the end than the kids)!

 We had two families join us from Potosi Redeemer as they do not have a Youth Group of their own.  It was fun to meet with other Lutheran kids in our area.

We are all looking forward to next month which will be right after the first advent service and potluck.

Thanks to one and all who helped make this a successful evening!!!!


