Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?  Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my salvation, and my God. – Psalm 42:5

Like many people I am a little susceptible to anxiety and low moods.  For no apparent reason I sometimes plod about the house like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. 

But this verse asks a very pertinent question – why?  Why are you cast down?  And why do you let anxiety cause turmoil within you?  It is an excellent question.  We have the God of the universe on our side.  We have the God who, with four simple words created light!  We have the God who created all things.  As Colossians tells us He created all things, preserves all things, and is in all things.  That means He is in us!  He tells us at the very end of Matthew that He will be with us always!  This is the same God who loved us so much that He set aside His crown and came down to be a poor human being.  To die on a cross to pay for all of our sins.  Now THAT is LOVE!!!!!

So, why are we cast down.  Well, the answer is simple – sin.  We get cast down because we forget to look to Him.  We get cast down because our eyes are off of the prize.  We are cast down because we are not looking to God our Savior.  Separating ourselves from God is a sin.  And separation from God is the consequence of our sin.

So let us look always to God.  Let us always hope in God, praise God, and remember He is our salvation and our God!  Then we shall be more like Tigger than Eeyore – joyful!

Let us pray – Dearest Lord, help us always to keep our eyes on You that we may not fall into sadness and anxiety.  Help us to ever remember the incredible love You showed when You died on the cross for us.  In Your Holy Name we pray. – Amen.