…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,  - Romans 3:23-24

Yesterday was hard for me.  I lead adult Bible Study yesterday morning and, after Bible Study was over, I felt like a complete failure.  For some reason I just wasn’t able to communicate what was in my head.  I felt I had let everyone down and worst of all, I felt I had let God down.  

You wouldn’t think that a verse like this, that tells you that you are bound to fail, would be comforting - but it is for me.  Mainly because, when I mess up like yesterday, I feel like I am the only one in the world who makes mistakes.  It seems misery loves company, and it is somehow reassuring to know that everyone makes mistakes.  

No one can please God, or even do one good thing, without the help of the Holy Spirit.  And this is the other great comfort of this passage.  For verse 24 reminds us that we don’t have to do just the right things to make God happy.  Jesus already did it.  Our redemption is through Christ – and that is awesome - because days like yesterday make me glad He’s got me and my salvation does not depend on anything I do!

We pray – Thank You dearest Lord that You did not base our salvation on what we do, for we all fall short.  Thank You for coming to save us in Your grace and mercy. – Amen.