Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God – Psalm 146:5, ESV

Have you ever noticed the difference in your life between when you ARE trusting God and when you ARE NOT?  I know I have.  I often find myself stressed, anxious, irritable…then I realize, I am not trusting God.  Suddenly, a peace comes over me.  “A peace that surpasses all understanding.”  Amazing how the Bible is true😊

But sometimes it isn’t that easy.  The stress and the anxiety, they persist.  They stubbornly refuse to trust God.  Let’s face it, trusting God is not necessarily an easy thing to do.  We are sort of programmed as Americans to be self-reliant.  We are taught we have to get ahead.  Strive for the almighty dollar.  Keep up with the Jones’.

But what we really need to strive for is the Almighty God.  Well, in point of fact, there is no striving there.  It is sort of the opposite of striving.  What we REALLY need to do is be humble, submissive, quiet.  That is not easy, but it is worth it.

God tells us that He will provide for our needs just as he cares for the sparrows.  Ever notice that the sparrows don’t eat steak every day?  Well, God will give you what you need, not necessarily what we want.  And that is often the problem, isn’t it.  We confuse our needs for our want.

God has you in the palm of His hand.  He has promised.  Hold Him to it!  Pray to Him that you expect and trust that He will keep his promises.  A wise man we all know (Pastor May) is fond of telling us, “God loves it when we remind Him of His promises.”

We pray – Dearest Lord, You have promised to give us all that we need.  Help us to be patient and trusting in waiting on Your promises - humble and content with what You have seen fit to give us.  In Your Holy Name we pray. – Amen.